How to take back control of /etc/resolv.conf on Linux
This mode is less disruptive as /etc/resolv.conf can continue to be managed by other packages. Note: The mode of operation of systemd-resolved is detected automatically, depending on whether /etc/resolv.conf is a symlink to the local stub DNS resolver file or contains server names. To make the resolver use this dynamically generated resolver configuration file the administrator should ensure that /etc/resolv.conf is a symbolic link to /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf. This link is normally created on installation of the resolvconf package. The link is never modified by the resolvconf program itself. TIP: if you want to update /etc/resolv.conf manually, you can remove the symlink and create /etc/resolv.conf by hand. This way, the file won't get updated from resolvconf ever. $ rm /etc/resolv.conf ;# to remove the symlink $ vi /etc/resolv.conf ;# to create a regular file Jan 15, 2018 · Changes to resolv.conf do eventually come into effect, but can take a couple of minutes to "stick," IME. I wonder if there's a way of "forcing" the issue. By the way, NetworkManager, if you are using it, will overwrite changes to resolv.conf. Mar 18, 2017 · The configuration file for DNS resolvers is /etc/resolv.conf.From resolv.conf(5): . The resolver is a set of routines in the C library that provide access to the Internet Domain Name System (DNS).
/etc/resolv.conf DESCRIPTION top The resolver is a set of routines in the C library that provide access to the Internet Domain Name System (DNS).
Provided by: openresolv_3.4.4-2_all NAME resolvconf — a framework for managing multiple DNS configurations SYNOPSIS resolvconf-I resolvconf [-m metric] [-p] -a interface TIP: if you want to update /etc/resolv.conf manually, you can remove the symlink and create /etc/resolv.conf by hand. This way, the file won't get updated from resolvconf ever. $ rm /etc/resolv.conf ;# to remove the symlink $ vi /etc/resolv.conf ;# to create a regular file Jan 15, 2018 · Changes to resolv.conf do eventually come into effect, but can take a couple of minutes to "stick," IME. I wonder if there's a way of "forcing" the issue. By the way, NetworkManager, if you are using it, will overwrite changes to resolv.conf. Mar 18, 2017 · The configuration file for DNS resolvers is /etc/resolv.conf.From resolv.conf(5): . The resolver is a set of routines in the C library that provide access to the Internet Domain Name System (DNS). resolv.conf sets up the resolver for DNS. If your windows servers are your primary and secondary DNS servers, then yes you will need to change the nameserver entries to point to the new IP's The domain line, is the actual domain you are part of, it should not be the HP server name. 24. /etc/resolv.conf ファイルの手動設定. 24.1. NetworkManager 設定で DNS 処理の無効化; 24.2. /etc/resolv.conf を、DNS 設定を手動で設定するシンボリックリンクに置き換え; 25. 802.3 リンク設定の構成. 25.1. nmcli ツールで 802.3 リンク設定の構成; 26. The FreeBSD Diary -- resolv.conf is being modified, and